Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers for General health services
Treatment Centers by Name |
Treatment Centers by City in Utah
- Project Reality
- Renaissance Ranch
- San Juan Counseling
- San Juan Counseling
- San Juan Counseling Center
- Sandy Counseling Center A DBA of Humanistic Counseling
- Sequoia Counseling Center
- Southwest Center Behavioral Health Services
- Summitview Foundation
- Sundance Behavioral Resources
- Therapy In Your Face
- University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute
- Utah Alcoholism Foundation House of Hope Treatment Center
- Utah Alcoholism Foundation Serenity House
- VA SLC Healthcare System North Star SAT (116NS)
- Valley Mental Health Summit County Unit
- Valley Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Treatment Unit
- Valley Mental Health Forensic Unit
- Valley Mental Health/Tooele
- Weber Human Services
- Youth Support Systems